Vicki Hexter

Nov 21, 20165 min

Why is CACI the most exciting beauty development of the last decade?

The CACI Non-Surgical Facelift treatment has been acclaimed by the international media as probably the most exciting beauty development of the last decade. It is now to be found in the world’s leading clinics, salons and health spas. The CACI treatment helps to tone sagging facial muscles, while smoothing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. The treatment produces immediate results. It works by combining a unique patented electrical waveform with the naturally occurring bio-electric current of the body, achieving instantly visible results on sagging muscles and skin.



As we grow older our facial muscles naturally start to lose tone and elasticity. Genetics, lifestyle, weight fluctuation and environmental factors can all influence the rate and degree to which our muscles will lose their tone as we all know first impressions count and a sagging face can make you look tired, miserable and older than your years. Following over 20 years of research and development CACI International can now offer a non surgical solution to combat loss of muscle tone using CACI micro current facial toning therapy. Microcurrent therapy was originally developed as a medical application to treat facial palsy and muscle tone was restored by applying tiny micro-current electrical impulses to the affected muscles. Today this proven technology is now available in thousands of aesthetic clinics as a painless cosmetic treatment and is commonly referred to as “facial toning” or “the non surgical face lift”. During each 1 hour treatment session all 32 facial muscles are gently manipulated and re-educated by a trained therapist using a series of precise movements. Soft cotton tipped wands are used on the face to transmit the micro-current energy to the facial muscles to restore tone and elasticity. Results are visible after the very first treatment but a course of twelve treatments is generally recommended. After a course of CACI facial toning treatments facial contours will look lifted and toned. A monthly top up treatment is recommended to maintain results.

Hydratone Facial

Hydratone combines active micro-current rollers with a unique, electrically conductive silicon gel mask that has been infused with powerful hydrating properties. The rollers gently massage the face causing the mask to become electrically charged so that the whole face is bathed with rejuvenating energy. The energy delivered by the rollers recharges and replenishes the bio-electrical energy within the facial muscles, restoring tone and firmness. The energy generated also drives the hydrating actives contained within the gel mask deep into the skin tissue. The gel mask has a dramatic softening action helping to plump out and smooth deep lines and wrinkles.

The Hydratone procedure takes just 10 minutes to perform yet provides immediate and intensive skin hydration and face firming.

Light Therapy

The application of light as a treatment therapy is termed “Phototherapy” derived from the measurement of light energy in units of photons. Light energy is in every nerve, cell, gland and muscle of the body and each emits its own unique frequency vibration.

When the body becomes out of balance (due to age, health, environment, lifestyle or other external factors) the frequency vibration within the cells is affected and this disruption can lead to signs of ageing, skin conditions, illness and disease.

Each colour wavelength of light has a specific and unique frequency vibration. Specific light wavelengths have a bio stimulatory action on the cells and so can be used to effectively normalize cellular imbalances and treat certain skin conditions.

There are now numerous scientific studies on the effect of phototherapy in the healing of acne and other skin conditions. NASA have recently conducted studies on the use of red LED light for the enhancement of cell growth and found that the application of specific wavelengths of light increased fibroblast activity and enhanced DNA synthesis leading to the production of new collagen.

A follow up study by Wisconsin Medical College demonstrated that the specific wavelengths of red LED light could be used to accelerate wound healing. The American Academy of Dermatology has reported that blue light can be used to destroy the bacteria that produces the inflammation associated with propionbacterium acnes.

The British Journal of Dermatology has reported that the combination of specific red and blue light wavelengths can successfully treat acne.

A recent study at Hammersmith Hospital demonstrated that the combination of red and blue light phototherapy for the treatment of acne produced quicker results than the application of blue light alone.

UltraSonic Peel

Ultrasonic peeling uses a hand piece containing ceramic/quartz heads that when excited by an electrical current emit piezoelectric vibrations that cause the hand piece to vibrate at 27,000 vibrations per second on the skin surface. These rapid vibrations push skin impurities to the skin surface and cause any dead skin cells to become dislodged . The vibrating hand piece is then used to deep cleanse and gently exfoliate the epidermis.

The rapid expansions and contractions of the vibrating hand piece also destroy skin bacteria by causing the single cell wall of the bacteria cells to implode. The sonic vibrations can also be set to a specific frequency to help the absorption of skin care formulations. Ultrasonic skin peeling provides a far gentler and less aggressive alternative to traditional microdermabrasion methods of skin exfoliation.


As we age, the automatic process of exfoliation and cell renewal slows down. Sometimes the body needs a little help. Microdermabrasion is a cosmetic procedure in which the stratum corneum (dead outermost surface of the skin ) is partially or completely removed by light abrasion. The removal of the dead skin cells reveals the softer more youthful looking skin cells underneath.

The superficial abrasion of the skin also triggers the body’s own natural repair mechanism which triggers the production of new collagen and releases glycoaminoglycans in order to rehydrate and replenish the recently abraded area. This has a remarkable softening action on surface lines and wrinkles. The procedure is not very painful and requires no anesthetic. Microdermabrasion can be used medically for scar removal when the scar is raised above the surrounding skin, but is less effective with sunken scars.

Microdermabrasion can also be used to treat sun-damaged skin and to improve acne but must be repeated periodically to be effective. Different microdermabrasion methods are used to the exfoliate the skin

Crystal based Microdermabrasion uses a treatment hand piece that directs a fine mist of exfoliating crystals onto the skin surface. The used crystals and dead skin cells are then vacuumed back up into the treatment hand piece and deposited into a closed-filter container and discarded.

The speed at which the hand piece is moved across the skin surface and the abrasiveness of the type of crystals used will determine the depth of abrasion. Aluminium oxide crystals are irregular in shape and provide an aggressive skin exfoliation. Quartz silica crystals are perfectly round microspheres that are less harsh on the skin and provide a gentle exfoliation, skin polishing and refining action on the skin.


The Electro Cellulite Massager (ECM) is an optional attachment that can be used in conjunction with all CACI systems that incorporate microcurrent technology. The ECM attachment combines the therapeutic benefits of massage with the effectiveness of microcurrent therapy.

The unique design of the Electro Cellulite Massager utilizes twenty four conductive rollers electrically charged with microcurrent to gently knead tired shoulders, soothe aching limbs and firm sagging muscles. The rollers are designed to pivot to the body contours of each individual targeting specific problem areas. The stimulatory action of the Electro Cellulite Massager helps to break down fatty deposits, tone muscles and reduce inches.

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