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The Eco Skin Clinic Mini Franchise
Eco Skin Clinic has been established for over 25 yeas with a large clientele. We are situated in Upper Walthamstow with a large passing trade and great transport links with buses, overground and underground stations near by as well as free parking for clients.
We have created a great business opportunity - a unique mini franchise allowing therapists to create their own business within our established clinic.
What is a traditional franchise?
Franchising is when an established business allows a third party the right to operate using their trade-name, either through their manufacturing, distribution or sales channels. This is usually in return for a one time franchise fee, plus a percentage of sales revenue.
Business format franchise
An agreement whereby a business (franchisor), licenses another business (the franchisee) to trade using their branding, business model and a number of other assets, whilst also supplying additional support and guidance as part of the package. This is the most common type of franchise.
What are the disadvantaged to a traditional franchise?
High starting fees
Cost of leasing a commercial property
Having to split a high percentage of your profit
Long term contracts
Designed for business people and not people in the industry
What is our unique mini franchise?
The new way of owning a franchise. With our environmental and social ethos and passion for supporting women in business we have created a unique way of franchising allowing you to reach the same goals as a traditional franchise, without the high starting costs and risks.
What does this mean?
So many beauty and laser franchises are being open by business people who do not know our industry or care about the therapists working in it. This gives the therapist the chance to have their own mini franchise and benefit from this format.
How does it work?
Like a normal franchise you are using into an established business to create your own. We supply the building to work from, the marketing material (such as the website), the business ethos to follow, the machines and access to product accounts like Dermalogica .
You will enter an agreement to be part of the business, this can be terminated by either party with 1 month notice, allow you to not have the risk of a 5-20 year contract.
Instead of having to enter an expensive leasehold for a property, you will rent a treatment room within our established clinic. By renting the room you will be granted access and use of our reception, bathroom, kitchen, and storage and stock space, for you to keep your belongings. You will just have a monthly rent for the days of your choice.
We do not make you pay a large up front cost to have this opportunity, your up front costs will be just one months rent and your personalized treatment products pack.
You will have the opportunity to buy professional products through the business, therefore allowing you to get wholesale prices without having to enter into a business account with companies that require large start up costs.
You can rent on a pay as go scheme on aesthetic equipment and a laser machine.
We provide accredited training at a reduced cost for most treatments
You have the use of our booking system allowing our large client list to book with you.
All the marketing, website, and social media is included
For a small set up fee and monthly payment we you are added to our special treatments license saving an individual license and having to pay all in one go.
A page on our website about you, having your own unique business email address. If you provide a treatment that is not on our website already, we can create one for you. This all helps give a web presence for you and your treatments.
We create a monthly report for your accounts and help with business advice.
Is this right for you?
Are you an experienced aesthetic & laser therapist wanting their own business and work in an eco friendly way? If so contact Vicki at vicki@ecoskinclinic.co.uk.