Unfortunately not all treatments are for everyone. Please check our contraindications list to make sure you avoid disappointment.
Have high blood pressure or a heart condition
Take blood-thinners such as aspirin or similar medication
Have diabetes
Are pregnant or lactating
Have glaucoma
Have herpes simplex
Suffer from certain skin conditions e.g. rashes, blisters, psoriasis or eczema
Take steroids such as cortisone, Accutane, Retin-A or Renova
Have an allergy to makeup
Have acute acne in the treatment area
Are susceptible to post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation
Have hypertrophic scarring or keloid
Have spider veins or a birthmark in the area they want to be treated
Have a blood disorder
Keep area away from water for 24 hours.
To prevent infection do not touch pigmented areas
Avoid makeup on treated area for 2-4 days post procedure.
No vigorous exercise for 4/5 days and no warm or wet environments (swimming pools etc.)
No sun, sunbeds, soap, cleansers or makeup on procedure area, for 7 days or until crust has flaked away, (you may gently wipe with a cotton pad and cool boiled water, not salt or saline)
No hot showers, saunas, Jacuzzi or swimming in chlorinated pools for 7-10 days, as these will affect the treated areas.
Remember if crust appears on procedure area DO NOT pick or peel off! Pigment will be removed along with the crust!
No Brow or lash tinting for at least 14 days
If swelling occurs you may use ice on the area(s) for 10 minutes every hour. (Ice must be dry, ie, in a bag wrapped in a towel)